One of the best advice I've received was:
Focus on what is essential.
We live in a fast pace life rhythm. The way several matters during our daily life absorbs us makes us inefficacy, and for that reason we must to focus what is crucial.
If we do that we will be able to start again, reflect on what is expected from us and most important of all, have fun while we make this journey.
In such a way that we are absorved in several subjects throughout the day, generating most often inneficiency and ineffectiveness. Focusing on the essential allows us to detail the moment and get back to the drawing board, reflecting on what is expected from us. Not only can we visualize what is more important, as also help that the journey would become happier.
Easier said than done :) Try to do it every day as it is something that helps to put into perspective the different situations and allows the judgment to know to make difficult decisions.